All Seasons Acupuncture and Wellness
All Seasons Acupuncture and Wellness provides Acupuncture and Functional Medicine Services along with massage and ozone therapy. With over 15 years experience with Acupuncture and Dry Needling often used to treat anything from neck and back pain to migraines, anxiety, depression, PTSD, Hot Flashes, Neuropathy, Smoking Cessation, Chronic Gastrointestinal conditions! Functional Medicine uses in depth lab tests not offered by standard doctors to determine the root cause of chronic conditions including many auto-immune conditions, chronic fatigue/brain fog, eczema/psoriasis, ulcerative colitis/IBS, Fibromyalgia, hormonal imbalances, fertility, etc. Much of the functional medicine focus is on the detoxification of parasites, heavy metals, mold toxicity and herbicides/pesticides to resolve chronic inflammation that drives on-going symptoms. We also offer massage services and ozone therapy to aid in our wellness treatments.
Additional Info
Business Hours : Monday and Wednesday Acupuncture 9am - 6pm. Tuesday and Thursday Functional Medicine 9am - 6pm